The innovative Project “Inclusive Dance Autism” aspires to plan
and deliver specific dance programs to encourage participation
in dance, for individuals with autism, who are under-
represented amongst the dance sector.
We Believe
Participation in physical activity programs will bring
social benefits and reinforce skills-development in autistic individuals who live in the capital of Greece
What We Offer
Equal opportunities for dancing participation.
Public awareness on autism and community
involvement in joint dance activities. -
Education of dance teachers, choreographers and
other artistic sport experts.
What’s our Plan
Strong partnerships and creativity
Autism InDance Project activities target on the upgradation of knowledge and skills in individuals with autism as well as in dance experts, in Greece. To accomplish this aim, project partners will plan and deliver joint dance activities in Athens, fostering physical competencies, increasing creativity and enjoyment of people with and without autism, based on personal communication of all participants.


*short film

*training for professionals

*e-learning courses

Autism Awareness
Strong partnerships that deliver joy,
change and results.

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